This is an image of Miracle the day after one of her first surgeries. The very long surgery that she endured was to help remove dead skin in order to make way for new skin to form, which helps to prevent infection.
Many people have contacted us and asked what they can do to help Miracle. Besides contributing to her healthcare fund at TEAR foundation & donating to her "Miracle Apprehension Fund", we would ask that you write letters and emails to Michigan officials, to the ASPCA, to the Human Society, to PETA, to tv personalities, to news stations... basically, to anyone who can help on a higher level to help Miracle get the justice she deserves. We need to change Michigan's laws on animal abuse & cruelty for criminals who commit these offenses to felony charges, mandating at least 10 years in prison for these types of attrocious crimes.
I live by OVRS and checked in on Miracle about a week ago, I am glad she is still fighting her lil fight. Some of us posted bulletins on myspace, where can I go to copy and paste and update.
Susanne Elmy
I am in touch with a big name celebrity who already champions animal causes.
Is there anyone she can get in touch directly to help?
She is on MySpace as well and can assist in raising awareness through that avenue.
Dear Anonymous,
Please have her send an email to melighibs@gmail.com or topher1980@gmail.com . Thank you for your help,
Meli ~ melighibs@gmail.com
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